Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fall Cleaning

Fall is here and the Holidays are coming! If you're like me when those holidays roll around I never seem to have much time, which makes cleaning when people are coming over very stressing. That's why I take advantage of October and the begining of November to do some deep down cleaning, so when the holidays come a quick go over is plenty to welcome guests.

The easiest way to do this is to break it down in rooms, starting with the hardest: the kitchen. It's also one of the most important to have thoroughly clean because many guest like to help in the kitchen. To start get a box (or 3) to set aside stuff for a yard sale, this is great for decluttering and extra Christmas cash! This is how I go about it at my house...

1. Start at the top and work down. Get your vacuum and put on the long and brush attachments. Use it to "dust" the walls, ceiling, fan, cabinet tops, top of fridge, blinds, curtains, and any other high or large pieces of furniture.
2. One cabinet at a time go through and get rid of anything you don't use regularly, if you use it only once or twice a year consider getting rid of yours and borowing when you need it. Throw away any out dated food and give away what you won't use. Reline if necessary.
3. Do the same with the drawers. Empty them as you go and vacuum them out.
4. When cleaning out the cabinets that hold your cleaning supplies don't hesitate to throw cleaners you don't use in the yard sale box. You'd be surprised what people will take from a "free box". Your cleaning supplies should fit in an old dish pan. Any more and it's just clutter.
4. Put oven cleaner in before you start so it is working as you do. When you clean it out line the bottom with aluminum foil so when things spill it will be easy clean up!
5. Take filter off oven vent and soak it in soapy hot water, scrub and dry thoroughly before putting back up. Clean rest of vent, top and underneath, including light bulb cover.
6. Clean oven top. If you have an old style stove replace the grease catchers.
7. Clean out freezer, refrigerator, and microwave.
8. Wipe down walls (the magic eraser is wonderful for this!) don't forget above the stove.
9. Get rid of old or unwanted food from the pantry.
10. Clean garbage can inside and out.
11. Pull out stove and fridge to sweep behind and under.

It's not so bad if you set aside a Saturday or afternoon and just do one room. Even easier if a you and a friend work together at your house one day and then hers another (or if your as lucky as I am you can get your husband to help).

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Your very clever, but look who you married.