Though the bedroom isn't a room needing cleaning for company coming, it will bring more things for a yard sale and leave you feeling more relaxed.
First off declutter. Nothing belongs in your room but personal items, get rid of anything else or find a new home for it; this includes whatever is under the bed. When that is finished clean the fan, curtains and all high objects. Dust everything-high and low, remembering the window sills and around the vent. Flip your mattress and vacuum.
Now comes the hard part. Take everything out of your closet and dressers. While it is empty decide whether you need to rearrange or add to your closet shelves and racks; if so-do it!
One by one go through the items and put them in three categories 1. keep, 2. maybe, 3. get rid of. This should be a quick process(that's why you have the maybe pile). The keep clothes go back in the closet or drawer and should only be what you wear and love. This is a a great time to really organize; hang types (long sleeve, short sleeve, dresses, etc) together and sort in groups by color, this makes finding what you want really easy. Now the really hard part! Go through the maybes and try to get rid of most of them. A good trick I've used, to see what I actually am wearing, is to put the hangers on "backwards" when putting everything back in. A year from now anything you haven't worn will be easily identifiable.
You should now have a clean room, more money from your yard sale and more space for new clothes!
Tip: While your closet is empty paint it a fun color that you like but aren't brave enough to use elsewhere.
1 comment:
I LOVE it. The bedroom is our hardest room to keep clean . . . probably because our closet is literally tinier than than the batcave. . . it's ridiculously little. Like a hallway closet or foyer closet. So, no room for towels or anything. I use a bookcase to hold baskets with my perfumes & lotions in one and hair stuff in another and we have those ugly white plastic stacked drawers. UGH. Too much stuff in our room--and we declutter every 5 months or more!
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