Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bathroom Deep Clean

Bathrooms tend to be the next hardest thing to clean. Tackle them all at once or do one a day to make it easier.

Start the same way as in the kichen...dust the ceiling (near the vent), tops of light fixtures, pictures, tops of cabinets, etc. Next empty your medicine cabinet and get rid of outdated or unused items (your pharmacist can dispose of old medicines for you), then clean inside with all-purpose cleaner and paper towels. Do the same under the sink cabinets (leftover hair products you no longer use are often welcomed by teenagers or college students and old or worn towels should go in the rag bin).

Now you're ready for the real cleaning! Turn your shower on as hot as possible and put toilet cleaner in the toilet. As you wait for those to work clean the mirror-all of it, counter, sinks (remember under the faucets) and cabinet fronts; don't forget the soap, tooth brush and cotton ball holders! By now the steam from the shower should have loosed the grime, scrub tub, wall, etc. as usual. Clean the toilet...all of it! Now the floors. I find it easiest to use cleaner and paper towels. Be sure you clean the shower curtains. Plastic ones wash well in the washing machine. Use 1/2 cup detergent and 1/2 cup baking soda (throw in a few towels as well). Add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle, then hang back up to dry.

To keep the shower looking great buy a squeegie and run it over the tile/walls and door each time you shower, this cuts time between cleaning immensely.

Tip: When you're cleaning try your best not to leave the room, if there is trash or clutter that goes in another room just set it outside the door to be dealt with when you're done. This way you can't be easily distracted. I also try to keep my phone with me so I can keep working if I get a call.


Johnnie Alexander said...

Love your blog! Putting it on my favorites.

Unknown said...

I second the tip about giving away unused toiletries.

I purged my hundreds of lotions, body washes, hair products and make up and gave them to a girl in our church. She was so thrilled even with half full bottles of things.

So now, when I use something and realize I don't really want it, she's the first person I call!