Monday, December 20, 2010

Fancy Oreos

Wow your family and friends by dressing up some White Chocolate Covered Oreos (WCCO). You'll have to excuse my poor quality pictures. I don't have the time to dress them up :)

You need any of the following you want.

Candy melts in desired color (found in craft stores or Wal Mart)
Meringue Powder (found in craft stores or Wal Mart)
Food only paint brush
Decorating sugar or sprinkles

Candy Melt design. Following directions on the bag, melt the first/bottom color of candy melts. Pour into a baggie and snip a tiny bit of the tip off. Pipe whatever design you want. Do the same in the next color. If you are doing a two tone design, you're done!

Solid sugar/sprinkle design. Mix a little meringue powder with water, one to one ratio. About one tablespoon each should do. Using a food only paint brush, paint on the meringue water, covering the whole top. Set the Oreo on a paper plate and pour the sanding sugar or sprinkles on. Shake the excess off and move on to the next!

Sugar/sprinkle design. Make the above meringue mixture and using your paint brush paint on your desired design. Pour on your sanding sugar or sprinkles. Repeat!

Easy peasy, can go with any decor and looks very impressive. :)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I especially like the holly ones.