Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fall Is Here!

It's time!  Time for pumpkins and cooler air, fake fall leaves and cider candles, cinnamon and nutmeg! Fall is here!  I considered making a Fall Fun List of activities I would like to do with my family like I did for Summer but then decided I would rather shake it up and make a different kind of list  So here is the list of treats I hope to get made before the Christmas baking arrives! 

Only problem is my hubby doesn't eat sweets so I always have to find ways to unload it all.  Also there are only 9 weeks until Thanksgiving and there are 13 items on the list. Yikes!  Now I'm off to check expiration dates on the spices - only the best will do!

P.S. the asterix are for the recipes I have not tried yet. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

More Cheap Art

A few posts back I told you how I made this lovely piece of art for $1. 

 I have now turned that into this . . . 

Again I was a bad DIY blogger and forgot to take pics of the process. It was too simple to even bother taking pictures!  Here is what I did.

1. The alphabet "art", inspired by Pinterest, was made in Microsoft Publisher but you could easily use Word as well. Just type out the alphabet, center it, find a font you like (I used Elephant) and make it whatever color matches your theme with the "I", "heart", and "u" in an alternating color. Figure out the right size for your font so that it takes up most of the page.  Helpful hint: make sure the "I" is three letters from the end of the row, the heart two letters from the end of the next row, and the "U" on the end of the next row.  This makes the nice stair step effect.  When you have it set to your satisfaction print it. I recommend card stock but if you don't have any regular paper works fine.

2. For the matte all I did was take a spare piece of poster board, trace the glass from the frame on it for the right size, cut it down and spray paint it.  It took two light coats.

3. I let the poster board dry over night then used scrapbook sticky squares to attach the paper to the matte. Glue or tape could also work.

What did it cost?  $00.00  That's right, nothing!  I had everything on hand and that made me so very happy!  The possibilities are endless. As much as I love it I am already dreaming of fall and Christmas ideas for that wonderful little frame  :)